Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Time

Nothing says summer like the sound of splashing water while the kids are playing under the water hose or on one of those slip n slides. Another way to tell that summer has arrived is by the intense heat that seems to blanket the south like one of those thick afgans used to keep warm in the winter.

This summer we are doing our best to "beat the heat". Check out these pics of the boys cooling off on a hot summer day.






Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Boys go to their 1st Nascar Race

I am very pleased to announce that Austin & Luke went to their very 1st Nascar race Sunday and they LOVED it. The noise, people, smells, all of it. It was a very proud moment for Jake & I. Watching our boys enjoy the sport that we both love so much gave us much joy. Who knows, maybe we have our very own Nascar driver in the works...stranger things have happened right? LOL. Here are some pictures from the race.





Got that BLING...

I have resisted the urge to pierce my ears for 32yrs, but something made me take the plunge on Saturday. I am officially sporting BLING and very proud of it.



Monday, January 26, 2009

Long time No

Ok, so my life isn't all that interesting, but given the fact that I am raising 3 boys and I am the only source of estrogen in the house I feel that maybe I can find something to talk about. I'm not a typical blogger by any stretch of the imagination but I thought if others were able to do it then surely I could too. So, I am offically coming out of hiding and I am ready to share my crazy life with others.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I'm officially a

My name is Dawn, I married my highschool sweetheart and bestfriend Jake in September of 1995....I am a stay at home mom to my three boys....Austin (12-31-96) Luke (3-15-00) and Kody (5-6-04).....i am just trying to balance daily life in a house filled with